Booking Fee KIA ALL NEW SPORTAGE 2011 mulai dari 1jt
Kia New Sportage III
Sportage III Makin Menggoda
Dengan masuknya Kia All New Sportage, persaingan pasar Medium SUV di Tanah Air dipastikan semakin memanas. Walau kehadirannya sempat tertunda, bekal yang dimilikinya dalam bertarung melawan Honda CRV, Nissan X-Trail, Chevrolet Captiva maupun saudara tuanya, Hyundai Tucson, dirasa cukup untuk menggoda konsumen.Dari sisi desain, KIA Motor Corporation melalui arsiteknya Peter Schreyer secara dramatis mampu memberikan kesan futuristik dan stylish pada Sportage generasi ketiga.
Hal ini ditandai dengan bodi membulat serta tarikan garis tegas nan simpel di sisi samping bodi mobil yang diikuti lengkungan manis untuk bagian belakang.
Gril model “tiger nose” menjadi perlambang perubahan yang dimilikinya. Desain lampu utama yang dibekali deretan lampu LED di bagian bawahnya, menunjukkan sisi modern dan mampu meningkatkan kelasnya meski minus pencahayaan HID. Begitu pula dengan lampu belakang yang didesain sedikit menonjol.
Ruang interior ramah dengan desain yang segar mampu memberikan pemandangan yang berbeda. Dibandingkan dengan versi CBU yang pernah kami uji, beberapa fitur seperti sunroof, Hill/Down Assist, dan traction control tidak ada pada versi ATPM.
Namun fitur lainnya seperti dual airbag, jok dengan sistem pengaturan elektrik, kemudi yang dapat diatur ketinggiannya, dan memiliki tombol audio masih tetap dipertahankan oleh PT Kia Mobil Indonesia.
Menariknya, KIA menyebut Sportage generasi ketiga ini dengan istilah Cross Utility Vehicle (CUV). Sah saja pabrikan Korea tersebut menyebutnya demikian mengingat Sportage ditujukan sebagai mobil penjelajah yang mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan beragamnya kondisi jalan di Indonesia.
Pengaturan elektrik yang dapat menaikkan atau menurunkan alas maupun punggung jok sangat memudahkan pengemudi dalam menemukan posisi duduk ideal.
Visibilitas yang dihasilkan dari presisinya derajat kemiringan pilar A turut membantu pengemudi dalam memberikan pandangan luas dan memudahkan antisipasi keadaan sekitar mobil.
Kini saatnya kami menguji performa Sportage. Tidak berbeda dengan versi CBU, PT KMI tetap konsisten dengan pilihannya pada mesin bensin Theta II berkapasitas 1.996 cc.
Mesin berteknologi Dual CVVT (Continuously Variable Valve Timing) terasa cukup memadai selama kami melakukan pengujian.
Dipadu dengan transmisi canggih Shiftronic 5 tingkat percepatan, akselerasi All New Sportage terasa cukup memadai. Di putaran bawah, akselerasi dari mesin bertenaga 163 dk dengan torsi 196 Nm ini terasa sedikit tertahan. Namun semakin membaik ketika mesin berada di putaran menengah dan atas.
Perpindahan gigi dari transmisi otomatis canggih Shiftronic 5-percepatan terasa cukup halus. Entakan ketika pedal gas ditekan memang masih sedikit terasa, meski masih dalam taraf wajar dan tidak mengurangi kenyamanan.
Hal ini ditandai dengan bodi membulat serta tarikan garis tegas nan simpel di sisi samping bodi mobil yang diikuti lengkungan manis untuk bagian belakang.
Gril model “tiger nose” menjadi perlambang perubahan yang dimilikinya. Desain lampu utama yang dibekali deretan lampu LED di bagian bawahnya, menunjukkan sisi modern dan mampu meningkatkan kelasnya meski minus pencahayaan HID. Begitu pula dengan lampu belakang yang didesain sedikit menonjol.
Ruang interior ramah dengan desain yang segar mampu memberikan pemandangan yang berbeda. Dibandingkan dengan versi CBU yang pernah kami uji, beberapa fitur seperti sunroof, Hill/Down Assist, dan traction control tidak ada pada versi ATPM.
Namun fitur lainnya seperti dual airbag, jok dengan sistem pengaturan elektrik, kemudi yang dapat diatur ketinggiannya, dan memiliki tombol audio masih tetap dipertahankan oleh PT Kia Mobil Indonesia.
Menariknya, KIA menyebut Sportage generasi ketiga ini dengan istilah Cross Utility Vehicle (CUV). Sah saja pabrikan Korea tersebut menyebutnya demikian mengingat Sportage ditujukan sebagai mobil penjelajah yang mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan beragamnya kondisi jalan di Indonesia.
Pengaturan elektrik yang dapat menaikkan atau menurunkan alas maupun punggung jok sangat memudahkan pengemudi dalam menemukan posisi duduk ideal.
Visibilitas yang dihasilkan dari presisinya derajat kemiringan pilar A turut membantu pengemudi dalam memberikan pandangan luas dan memudahkan antisipasi keadaan sekitar mobil.
Kini saatnya kami menguji performa Sportage. Tidak berbeda dengan versi CBU, PT KMI tetap konsisten dengan pilihannya pada mesin bensin Theta II berkapasitas 1.996 cc.
Mesin berteknologi Dual CVVT (Continuously Variable Valve Timing) terasa cukup memadai selama kami melakukan pengujian.
Dipadu dengan transmisi canggih Shiftronic 5 tingkat percepatan, akselerasi All New Sportage terasa cukup memadai. Di putaran bawah, akselerasi dari mesin bertenaga 163 dk dengan torsi 196 Nm ini terasa sedikit tertahan. Namun semakin membaik ketika mesin berada di putaran menengah dan atas.
Perpindahan gigi dari transmisi otomatis canggih Shiftronic 5-percepatan terasa cukup halus. Entakan ketika pedal gas ditekan memang masih sedikit terasa, meski masih dalam taraf wajar dan tidak mengurangi kenyamanan.
Mungkin Anda akan sedikit mempertanyakannya. Tapi inilah hasil yang didapat berdasarkan standar pengujian Auto Bild. Cukup mengejutkan dan di luar perkiraan.
Sebelumnya, kami telah mengulas SUV Kia ini namun kami baru mengupas secuil dari kemampuannya. Nah, pada ulasan ini, hasil pengujian menyeluruh dan mendalam akan kami informasikan untuk Anda.
Dimulai dari sisi desain. Bodi yang stylish dan kental nuansa Eropa menjadi andalan All New Sportage untuk meraih pesona. Dan benar saja, sepanjang jalan, bahkan di pelataran parkir kantor kami, banyak orang yang menyatakan kekagumannya terhadap desain Sportage generasi ketiga ini.
Lampu LED berderet di lampu depan menjadi pemikat pertama yang bisa didapatkan dari eksterior mobil. Meski lampu utama minus HID xenon, namun headlamp-nya menggunakan tipe projektor yang membangkitkan nuansa canggih pada bagian depan.
Selain itu, pelek palang lima dengan model tebal yang membalut ban berukuran 225/60 R17 mampu mewakili sisi sporty dari Sportage.
Namun yang paling menarik adalah tarikan garis bodi dari depan hingga belakang. Begitu indah untuk dinikmati. Dan garis lengkungnya bagaikan atap chop-top pada mobil hot rod. Unik sekaligus memberi kesan aerodinamis. Bagian ini pula yang menjadi kebanggaan Peter Schreyer, Chief Designer All New Sportage.
Tak heran kalau tampilan sporty dan atletis ini yang membuatnya selalu jadi pusat perhatian. Tidak sedikit yang merasa bahwa inilah pesaing tangguh bagi Honda CR-V dan Nissan X-Trail.
Di balik beningnya kaca, terlihat pesona lain dari Medium SUV KIA ini. Pesona itu muncul dari karakter sporty di kabinnya. Dimulai dari profil jok yang berkesan modern, bentuk dasbor yang lebar dan menjorok ke dalam serta peletakan tombol yang ergonomis. Bukan hanya indah dilihat, tapi juga memberi nilai positif dari sisi pengendara.
Jok pengemudi dilengkapi sistem pengaturan elektrik, dan kemudi yang dapat diatur ketinggiannya mampu menghasilkan posisi mengemudi ideal. Visibilitas yang dihasilkan dari idealnya sudut kemiringan kaca depan pun layak mendapatkan acungan jempol.
Sisi keselamatan seperti dual airbags untuk penumpang depan dan pengemudi, serta safety headrest yang bertugas melindungi kepala bagian belakang, menjadi bagian penting dari varian Sportage termahal ini. Sementara sistem keamanan aktif diwakili oleh rem dengan ABS yang sudah menjadi standar.
Untuk konsumen yang senang menempuh perjalanan luar kota, kabin Sportage pun memberikan fasilitas kenyamanan cukup lengkap. Di konsol tengah tersedia dua lubang besar untuk meletakkan minuman botol. Begitu pula bagian tengah jok belakang yang dapat dialihfungsikan menjadi sandaran tangan sekaligus tempat meletakkan minuman.
Kapasitas bagasinya terbilang memadai, kalau tak bisa dibilang terbatas. Untungnya jok tengah dapat dilipat untuk memperbesar ruang barang seandainya dibutuhkan.
Bagaimana dengan performanya? Di sinilah kejutan berikutnya kami temui. Mesin baru berkode Theta II yang digunakan mampu menghasilkan tenaga yang hampir setara dengan mesin-mesin 2.400 cc dan 2.500 cc, yakni 166 dk dan torsi 196 Nm. Salah satu inovasi yang ditawarkan adalah penerapan teknologi katup variabel ganda atau Dual CVVT (Continuously Variable Valve Timing).
Tak heran bila kemampuan berakselerasi Sportage baru ini pun mengungguli para pesaingnya. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk 0-100 km/jam hanya 10,17 detik, atau lebih cepat 0,7 detik dari Nissan X-Trail 2.0 Xtronic.
Suara mesin yang semula lembut akan berubah menjadi garang ketika jarum takometer berada di 4.500 rpm. Performa ini terus menunjukkan keberingasannya ketika jarum berada di angka 6.000 rpm. Di angka inilah transmisi otomatis Tiptronic 6-percepatannya akan melakukan perpindahan.
Hebatnya, sampai gigi tertinggi, tenaga mesin terasa terus ‘terisi’. Hingga tidak terasa mobil sudah melaju pada 180 km/jam.
Apalagi, performa tersebut juga ditunjang oleh perolehan konsumsi bbm yang terhitung cukup baik. Untuk rute dalam kota, mobil dengan dimensi sedikit lebih panjang dan lebar dari Tucson ini menghasilkan 9,5 km/ liter. Sementara dalam pengujian di ruas tol, konsumsi bbm yang dihasilkan adalah 12,3 km/liter.
All New Sportage tak hanya memiliki desain menarik dan performa yang baik. Bantingan suspensinya terasa pas dengan kontur jalan Ibu Kota. Walau gejala limbung masih terasa namun masih berada dalam batas aman.
Begitu juga dengan peredaman kabinnya. Mengobrol dengan teman atau menikmati alunanmusik dari sistem audio yang memiliki koneksi aux-in, USB, dan iPod ready mampu dilakoni dengan santai.
Dengan kemampuan yang dimilikinya, tak salah kalau kami menjulukinya multiple predator. Dari harga, All New Sportage lebih menarik dibanding SUV Jepang. Performanya setara dibanding kompetitornya. Dan di antara sesama produk Korea, Sportage generasi ketiga ini sanggup menandingi kemampuan saudara tuanya yang telah lebih dahulu hadir di Tanah Air.
Sebelumnya, kami telah mengulas SUV Kia ini namun kami baru mengupas secuil dari kemampuannya. Nah, pada ulasan ini, hasil pengujian menyeluruh dan mendalam akan kami informasikan untuk Anda.
Dimulai dari sisi desain. Bodi yang stylish dan kental nuansa Eropa menjadi andalan All New Sportage untuk meraih pesona. Dan benar saja, sepanjang jalan, bahkan di pelataran parkir kantor kami, banyak orang yang menyatakan kekagumannya terhadap desain Sportage generasi ketiga ini.
Lampu LED berderet di lampu depan menjadi pemikat pertama yang bisa didapatkan dari eksterior mobil. Meski lampu utama minus HID xenon, namun headlamp-nya menggunakan tipe projektor yang membangkitkan nuansa canggih pada bagian depan.
Selain itu, pelek palang lima dengan model tebal yang membalut ban berukuran 225/60 R17 mampu mewakili sisi sporty dari Sportage.
Namun yang paling menarik adalah tarikan garis bodi dari depan hingga belakang. Begitu indah untuk dinikmati. Dan garis lengkungnya bagaikan atap chop-top pada mobil hot rod. Unik sekaligus memberi kesan aerodinamis. Bagian ini pula yang menjadi kebanggaan Peter Schreyer, Chief Designer All New Sportage.
Tak heran kalau tampilan sporty dan atletis ini yang membuatnya selalu jadi pusat perhatian. Tidak sedikit yang merasa bahwa inilah pesaing tangguh bagi Honda CR-V dan Nissan X-Trail.
Di balik beningnya kaca, terlihat pesona lain dari Medium SUV KIA ini. Pesona itu muncul dari karakter sporty di kabinnya. Dimulai dari profil jok yang berkesan modern, bentuk dasbor yang lebar dan menjorok ke dalam serta peletakan tombol yang ergonomis. Bukan hanya indah dilihat, tapi juga memberi nilai positif dari sisi pengendara.
Jok pengemudi dilengkapi sistem pengaturan elektrik, dan kemudi yang dapat diatur ketinggiannya mampu menghasilkan posisi mengemudi ideal. Visibilitas yang dihasilkan dari idealnya sudut kemiringan kaca depan pun layak mendapatkan acungan jempol.
Sisi keselamatan seperti dual airbags untuk penumpang depan dan pengemudi, serta safety headrest yang bertugas melindungi kepala bagian belakang, menjadi bagian penting dari varian Sportage termahal ini. Sementara sistem keamanan aktif diwakili oleh rem dengan ABS yang sudah menjadi standar.
Untuk konsumen yang senang menempuh perjalanan luar kota, kabin Sportage pun memberikan fasilitas kenyamanan cukup lengkap. Di konsol tengah tersedia dua lubang besar untuk meletakkan minuman botol. Begitu pula bagian tengah jok belakang yang dapat dialihfungsikan menjadi sandaran tangan sekaligus tempat meletakkan minuman.
Kapasitas bagasinya terbilang memadai, kalau tak bisa dibilang terbatas. Untungnya jok tengah dapat dilipat untuk memperbesar ruang barang seandainya dibutuhkan.
Bagaimana dengan performanya? Di sinilah kejutan berikutnya kami temui. Mesin baru berkode Theta II yang digunakan mampu menghasilkan tenaga yang hampir setara dengan mesin-mesin 2.400 cc dan 2.500 cc, yakni 166 dk dan torsi 196 Nm. Salah satu inovasi yang ditawarkan adalah penerapan teknologi katup variabel ganda atau Dual CVVT (Continuously Variable Valve Timing).
Tak heran bila kemampuan berakselerasi Sportage baru ini pun mengungguli para pesaingnya. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk 0-100 km/jam hanya 10,17 detik, atau lebih cepat 0,7 detik dari Nissan X-Trail 2.0 Xtronic.
Suara mesin yang semula lembut akan berubah menjadi garang ketika jarum takometer berada di 4.500 rpm. Performa ini terus menunjukkan keberingasannya ketika jarum berada di angka 6.000 rpm. Di angka inilah transmisi otomatis Tiptronic 6-percepatannya akan melakukan perpindahan.
Hebatnya, sampai gigi tertinggi, tenaga mesin terasa terus ‘terisi’. Hingga tidak terasa mobil sudah melaju pada 180 km/jam.
Apalagi, performa tersebut juga ditunjang oleh perolehan konsumsi bbm yang terhitung cukup baik. Untuk rute dalam kota, mobil dengan dimensi sedikit lebih panjang dan lebar dari Tucson ini menghasilkan 9,5 km/ liter. Sementara dalam pengujian di ruas tol, konsumsi bbm yang dihasilkan adalah 12,3 km/liter.
All New Sportage tak hanya memiliki desain menarik dan performa yang baik. Bantingan suspensinya terasa pas dengan kontur jalan Ibu Kota. Walau gejala limbung masih terasa namun masih berada dalam batas aman.
Begitu juga dengan peredaman kabinnya. Mengobrol dengan teman atau menikmati alunanmusik dari sistem audio yang memiliki koneksi aux-in, USB, dan iPod ready mampu dilakoni dengan santai.
Dengan kemampuan yang dimilikinya, tak salah kalau kami menjulukinya multiple predator. Dari harga, All New Sportage lebih menarik dibanding SUV Jepang. Performanya setara dibanding kompetitornya. Dan di antara sesama produk Korea, Sportage generasi ketiga ini sanggup menandingi kemampuan saudara tuanya yang telah lebih dahulu hadir di Tanah Air.
Kia All New Sportage | |
Harga | Rp 286 juta |
Panjang/wheelbase | 4.445 mm/2.640 mm |
Lebar/tinggi | 1.855 mm/1.635 mm |
Mesin/kapasitas | 4 inline/1.988 cc |
Tenaga maksimum | 166 dk/6.200 rpm |
Torsi maksimum | 196 Nm/4.600 rpm |
Transmisi | 6-spd auto/fwd |
Kapasitas tangki/bagasi/ban serep | 55 liter/564 liter/full size |
Bobot | 1.397 kg |
0-100 km/jam | 10,17 detik |
0-60 km/jam | 4,79 detik |
60-80 km/jam | 2,30 detik* |
80-100 km/jam | 3,08 detik* |
100-120 km/jam | 3,75 detik* |
Pengereman (100-0 km/jam) | 53,127 m |
Konsumsi bbm tol/dalam kota | 12,3/9,5 km/l |
Airbag/ABS/EBD/BA | 2/ada/ada/tidak |
Headlamp proyektor/HID xenon/LED DRL | Ada/tidak/ada |
Foglamp/spion/pelipat spion elektrik | Ada/ada/ada |
Sunroof/sensor parkir/pelek alloy | Tidak/ada/ada (17 inci) |
AC climate control/dual zone/on-board computer | Tidak/tidak/ada |
Auto door-lock/smart key/cruise control | Tidak/tidak/tidak |
CD/MP3 player/aux-in/USB/iPod ready | Ada/ada/ada/ada/ada |
Jok elektrik/pemanas jok | Ada/tidak |
Setir multifungsi/adjustable reach/rake | Ada/tidak/ada |
Nissan X-Trail 2.0 XtronicMesin: 1.998 cc 4 silinder, 147 dk 0-100 km/jam: 10,87 detik Transmisi: 5-spd CVT/fwd Harga: Rp 326,5 juta (+) :Suspensi, konsumsi bbm lebih irit, pengendalian tajam ( -) :Harga lebih mahal, minus jok elektrik |
FIRST OPINION Harga terjangkau, fitur cukup komplet, dan performa memadai menjadikan All New Sportage layak menjadi pertimbangan utama konsumen Medium SUV. Sekarang tinggal kemampuan PT Kia Mobil Indonesia (KMI) memenuhi pesanan konsumen mengingat keterbatasan kuota akibat permintaan yang tinggi akan produk Kia terbaru ini di dunia. |
KIA New Sportage II Keunggulan lain dari All New Sportage adalah ruang kaki dan kepala yang dimilikinya. Untuk penumpang belakang, volume ruang yang tersedia sangat memadai. Medium SUV Korea ini juga memiliki interior yang cukup kedap dari gangguan suara di luar.
Mesin: 1.998 cc 4 silnder 163 dk Torsi maksimum: 196 Nm/6.000 rpm 0-100 km/jam: N/A Konsumsi bbm: N/A Transmisi: 5-spd auto/fwd P x L x T: 4.135 x 1.765 x 1.565 mm Wheelbase: 2.530 mm |
Harga: Rp 286 juta |
Honda CR-V 2.0Mesin: 1.997 cc 4 silinder, 150 dk 0-100 km/jam: 11,1 detik Harga: Rp 348 juta (+) :Kabin lega, akomodasi, citra merek ( -) :Ground clearence, model mulai usang, kemampuan jelajah |
FIRST OPINION Kehadiran All New Sportage dengan rupa baru yang lebih menawan sudah sepatutnya diapresiasi dengan baik oleh konsumen Tanah Air. Apalagi teknologi dan fitur komplet yang dimilikinya masih disokong oleh harga jualnya yang sangat kompetitif. Dan inilah saatnya bagi PT KIA Motor Indonesia untuk kembali mendulang pundi keuntungan selain dari Travello atau Picanto yang selama ini menjadi andalannya. |
The definition of no-nonsense style
You’re at one with everything the city has to offer – sophistication,
refinement and the style and elegance of the latest trends – while not
forgetting practicality. Cruising the city in your Sportage means you will
never get left behind.
Bringing it all together
Cultured and stylish, sporty and cosmopolitan. The Sportage
is the epitome of the urban experience as it was meant to be.
Welcome aboard
Take a seat. This is your kind of vehicle. With the horizontal
dashboard layout creating a feeling of space,
the sensation is like being seated inside a sporty coupé.
On the inside, space
The Sportage’s spacious interior embodies the three key design elements of
rugged elegance, smooth surfacing and stylish functionality. Ergonomically
designed seats combined with three-dimensional moulding complete the
harmonious solidity.
Refined Power, and the power to reduce emissions
Modern driving demands performance with efficiency,
and the Sportage delivers on both. With a 2.0 -litre four-cylinder gasoline engines,
you’ll enjoy smooth, measured power together with low CO2 emissions.
With Theta II 2.0 D-CVVT gasoline engine generating a maximum 166ps @ 6,200 rpm,
the engine’s low weight aluminium construction contributes to frugal fuel consumption.
At the same time, minimal vibration, variable valve timing and a variable
induction system exemplify class-leading build quality.
Storage space with a place for everything
The Sportage doesn’t just provide ample room for you to stow your gear. Thanks to 60:40 split folding rear seats, you can carry
luggage of all shapes and sizes. So loading long items like skis is just as easy as carrying compact items like suitcases and sports
holdalls. Add further convenient stowage areas like a sunglasses holder complete with map reading lamp, drink holders and an
illuminated glove box, and everything is where it should be.
Audio Remote Control
Turn it ip, turn it down. The audio system can be controller
from the steering wheel at the touch of your fingertips.
MP3, iPod and USB connectivity
With MP3, iPod and USB connectivity, you can enjoy your
favourite music from a range of mobile storage devices and
portable music players.
Disc brakes with ABS
Large disc brakes on Front and Rear offer plenty of stopping power,
and an Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) prevents
skidding and lets you maintain steering control
under hard braking conditions.
Item | M/T | A/T |
Engine | ||
Type | Dual CCTV | |
Displacement (cc) | 1,998 | |
Max. Output (ps/rpm) | 166 / 6,200 | |
Max. Torque (kg.m / rpm) | 20.1 / 4,600 | |
Transmission | 5 Speed | 6 Speed |
Steering | Rack & Pinion | |
Power Steering | Hydaulic Power Assisted w/ Tilting | |
Brakes | ||
Front | Disc | |
Rear | Disc | |
Dimension | ||
Length x Width x Height (mm) | 4,445 x 1,855 x 1,635 | |
Wheelebase (mm) | 2,640 | |
Min.Turning Radius (M) | 5.29 | |
Tire | Alloy Wheel 225 / 60 R17 | |
Suspension | ||
Front | Mc Pherson Type w/ Coil Spring & Gas Shock Absorber | |
Rear | Multy Link w/ Gas Shock Absorber | |
Exterior | ||
Door Handle | Body Color | Chrome Coated |
Chrome Belt Line Molding | - | S |
Radiator Grille | Metal Silver Painted | Chrome Coated |
Rear Spoiler | - | S |
Outside Mirror | Body Color w/ Electric Mirror | Body Color w/ Electric Mirror + Elesctric Folding + Seat Repeater Lamp + Heater Mirror |
Head Lamps | Projection Type (4 bulbs) | |
LED Daytime Running Lighting (DRL) | - | S |
High Mounted Stop Lamp | S | |
Fog Lamp | S | |
Interior | ||
Steering Wheel | Poly Urethane | Leather Wrapping |
TGS Knob Trim | Soft P.V.C w/ Metal Paint | Leather Wrapping |
Door Handle | Metal Painted | |
Intrumen Panel | Metal Painted | |
Door Center Line | Metal Painted | |
Door Trim (Armrest/Center Trim) | Plastic | Leather |
Cargo Screen | - | S |
Vanity Mirror | w/ Cover + Ticket Holder | w/ Cover + Ticket Holder + Illumination |
Door Scuff | S | |
Sunglass Case | S | |
Map Lamp | S | |
Key Illumination | S | |
Seat (Front) | ||
Headrest | Up, Down & Sliding | |
Heigh Adjustable | S | |
Power Seat (Driver) | - | S |
Lumbar Support (Driver) | - | S |
Seat (Rear) | ||
6 : 4 Split Back Folding | S | |
Headrest (LH/RH/CTR) | Up, Down & Sliding | |
Center Armrest | w/o Cup Holder | w/ Cup Holder |
Material | Cloth | |
Safety | ||
Airbag | Driver's Side | Driver's Side + Passenger's Side |
Brake | ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System | |
Seat Belt (Front) | 3 Point + Height Adjuster | |
Seat Belt (Rear) | 3 Point (Side & Center) | |
Central Door Lock | S | |
Audio & Speaker | ||
Head Unit | Radio + CD + MP3 | |
Speaker | 4 Main Speaker (Fr/Rr Door) + Tweeter Speaker | |
Media Connectivity | USB + AUX (iPod Ready) | |
Steering Wheel Remote Control | - | S |
Comfort | ||
Keyless Entry | - | S |
Back Warning Sensors | - | S |
Power Outlet | Front Console + Cargo | |
Power Window | Front & Rear + Auto Down Driver's Side | |
Air Conditioner | S |
Merupakan CUV (Crossover Utility Vehicle) perkotaan yang inovatif dipadukan dengan
faktor-faktor kelengkapan terbaru pada tampilan lincahnya.
Berbeda dari kendaraan pesaing dengan desain yang futuristik dan crossover
Memenuhi kebutuhan pasar seperti efisiensi bahan bakar, tenaga dan ruang kargo
Membangun brand identity, Kia
Semua Style pada competitor ada di Sportage menjadikan Sportage :
* Lebih Futuristik dan tidak membosankan
* Kesan kendaraan Crossover sangat kuat
* Kesan Sporty dan lincah pun lebih kuat
KIA Sportage banyak memiliki keunggulan-keunggulan :
* 2.0L D-CVVT setara dengan engine 2.4L yang kompetitor pakai
sehingga penggunaan bahan bakar sportage lebih effisien
* Sportage Lebih responsive
* Lebih stabil
Tinggi kendaraan yang lebih rendah dan lebih lebar
* Model paling modern
* Memiliki features lebih mewah
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Taking the all-new Sportage to another level!
I’d like to draw your attention to a part of the car that probably escapes your notice but plays a big part in the car’s overall look: door molding.The beltline of the all-new Sportage has changed to accommodate the newly developed, matt exterior trim film (ETF) molding.
The molding, which is attached to the door belt of the car, protects the car body and glass from water and other foreign materials. Therefore, it must provide excellent sealing performance and a sleek appearance.
The door belt molding that is currently mass produced is usually made of black PVC material or stainless steel that gives off a silvery sheen. However, both PVC and stainless steel offer only a limited range of colors and are unable to provide subdued or high-quality color reproduction.The new ETF (exterior trim film) door molding technique used on the Sportage enables the application of matt colors as well as a greater variety of colors for a more sophisticated exterior design.
This is just one example of how Kia makes an effort to maintain the existing standard of performance while offering more diverse looks to satisfy your individual preferences for the Sportage.Editor’s note: The availability of the above feature may differ according to country/region.
I’d like to draw your attention to a part of the car that probably escapes your notice but plays a big part in the car’s overall look: door molding.
The beltline of the all-new Sportage has changed to accommodate the newly developed, matt exterior trim film (ETF) molding.
The molding, which is attached to the door belt of the car, protects the car body and glass from water and other foreign materials. Therefore, it must provide excellent sealing performance and a sleek appearance.
The door belt molding that is currently mass produced is usually made of black PVC material or stainless steel that gives off a silvery sheen. However, both PVC and stainless steel offer only a limited range of colors and are unable to provide subdued or high-quality color reproduction.
The new ETF (exterior trim film) door molding technique used on the Sportage enables the application of matt colors as well as a greater variety of colors for a more sophisticated exterior design.
This is just one example of how Kia makes an effort to maintain the existing standard of performance while offering more diverse looks to satisfy your individual preferences for the Sportage.
Editor’s note: The availability of the above feature may differ according to country/region.
2011 Kia Sportage drive pertama
oleh Wayne Cunningham
(Credit: Wayne Cunningham/CNET)
Overall length 4,440 | Overall width 1,885 | Overall height 1,635 |
Wheelbase 2,640 | Wheeltread (F/R) 1,614/1,615 | Overhang (F/R) 890/910 |
Headroom (1st/2nd) 992/977 | Legroom (1st/2nd) 1,051/963 | Fuel tank (â„“) 55 |
All information and illustrations are based on data available at the time of publication and subject to change without notice.
Contact your local Kia dealer for current information.
Contact your local Kia dealer for current information.
The wide stance and robustly executed styling of the all-new Sportage speak to its substantial capabilities as a full-fledged crossover utility vehicle. Whether it’s downtown or upcountry, Kia Sportage is ready to answer the call. With its impeccable, all-new styling, Sportage backs up its go-anywhere attitude with real all-weather and off-road capability.
Something unexpected is happening at Kia. The Korean car company released new models, updated others, and put hamsters in its commercials. We took a preview drive in the Sportage, Kia's small SUV that has undergone a radical restyling.
With a base price of $18,295, the 2011 Sportage makes an economy play, and some of the car's appointments, such as hard plastics in the cabin, reflect that strategy. But other aspects of the car, such as the ride quality and handling, suggest something slightly more upscale. Think Honda when it ruled the economy roost.
At its highest trim, and fully loaded, Kia says the price only gets to about $28k. At this level, the Sportage includes features such as dual-zone climate control, a heated and cooled driver seat, locking all-wheel-drive, and navigation.
Following a trend Kia set with the new Forte and Soul models, all Sportage trims come with a Bluetooth phone system that lets you dial by name using voice command and a USB port for iPod integration.
Kia's new look
On a typically foggy San Francisco summer morning, we stepped out of a presentation on the new Sportage to find the car we would spend the day driving waiting for us. Its smooth sides gave it a very modern look, and a clean break from Kia's past. A strip of LED parking lights gave the car a more upscale style than its price would suggest.
Kia's new design language was apparent in the grille, with its up and down tabs. Our EX trim model, the top trim, also sported 18-inch wheels, the gloss black paint in the angular cut-outs another unique new Kia signature style. The back of the car was smooth and nicely molded, but the high beltline along the sides and the thick C pillar, combining to create a fortresslike look, are an all-too-common sight amongst new cars.
Raising its high-tech flag, the car's smart key let us unlock the door by touching a button on the handle and start the engine with another button. We noted the hard plastics, but the cabin looked nicer than it felt. The steering wheel was the same style as in the Kia Sorrento we reviewed earlier, with buttons for the stereo and the Bluetooth phone system.
No UVO yet
The responsive flash-based navigation system included colorful maps, although only in 2D, with traffic information displayed over the roads. The LCD in the dashboard came with the navigation option, and served as a display for our music library, once we had connected an iPhone to the car. Navigation, phone, and audio menus on this screen all combine good usability and a nice aesthetic sense.
But Kia disappointed us by not having its new UVO system ready. Based on Microsoft's automotive platform, UVO incorporates many of the features we've previously seen in Ford Sync. It integrates a variety of MP3 players with the car, enabling voice commands for playback. It also has a gigabyte of onboard memory to which you can copy MP3 files from a USB drive.
You can rip CDs to the onboard storage, although UVO lacks an onboard music database, and so can't automatically tag tracks from CDs unless they have a CD text file. Untagged CDs will just show up in the system as CD 1, CD 2, etc.
UVO won't be available when the 2011 Sportage first hits showrooms, taking a couple of months to follow the first models out. But probably the biggest strike against it is that buyers will have to choose between UVO or the navigation system. Kia promises to integrate these systems in the future, but for the time being, consumers are left with a bad choice.
A four-cylinder update
There is little choice with the Sportage's power train, as a 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine comes standard at all trims. But this engine is no slouch, with an output of 176 horsepower, making it even more powerful than the previous model's V-6. The base model pairs this engine with a six-speed manual transmission, something not often seen among SUVs, but the LX and EX trims get a six-speed automatic. All-wheel drive is an option on the LX and EX trim vehicles.
Although our EX model with all-wheel drive didn't exactly roar when we pushed the ignition button, it took off into city traffic with a reasonable amount of power. The steering wheel felt good, with a thick, leather-lined rim. The transmission shifted smoothly through its six gears. Going over some rough pavement, the suspension softened the jolts reasonably well, without a lot of bouncing around.
We particularly like the size of the Sportage in a dense urban area. It never felt ungainly, and the high seating position helps visibility on crowded streets. The electronic power steering offered a comfortable amount of resistance, and the turning radius proved tight enough for parking maneuvers.
A backup camera, using the navigation LCD for its display, also helped while parking. In a Sportage without navigation, Kia says that the backup camera display would show in the rearview mirror. But this camera is the only driver aid feature available in the Sportage, as features such as blind-spot detection have yet to appear on the option list.
On the freeway, the Sportage handled the higher speeds well, and we were able to carry on a conversation and listen to music without being overwhelmed by road noise. The ride continued smooth, but in passing maneuvers we found the limits of the engine. Slamming down the gas pedal, the transmission kicked down, letting the engine run up to peak horsepower. The Sportage did not bolt forward dramatically, and a painful whine sounded from the engine compartment, but we were able to overtake and pass other cars.
Although we didn't drive enough to test it, Kia claims fuel economy of 22 mpg city and 31 mpg highway for a front-wheel drive Sportage with the automatic transmission.
But we did get to test the Sportage's handling on winding mountain roads. Although no track star, we were able to push the little Sportage reasonably fast in the corners. The car kept steady during these exercises, stabilizer bars preventing excessive body roll. The steering felt sharp, responding well to speedy turns. We also made use of the transmission's manual mode, which let us hold gears up to high rpms without interference, although shifting involved the usual torque converter slushiness.
The car we were driving had all-wheel drive, a new system from Magna called Dynamax. According to Kia, this system very quickly transfers torque from the front-biased drive to the rear wheels as needed. At the push of a button, you can also lock the drive ratio to 50/50, although this setting is intended for speeds less than 25 mph.
UK Pricing on All-New Sportage
Kia’s UK division has released pricing on the full-range of its Sportage SUV that goes on sale on November 1st. The full lineup consists of four engines, including two petrol units, a 140HP 1.6-liter powerplant and a 2.0-liter with 161HP, and two diesels, a 1.7-liter delivering 115HP and a 2.0-liter with 136HP.
There are also three trim grades badged ‘1′, ‘2′ and ‘3′, with all-wheel-drive versions available at the mid and high grade level given the KX preface. The flagship models are offered with a fully integrated satellite navigation system, featuring a 7-inch full-map color touchscreen mounted into the central dash console.
On the Road prices range from £16,645 for the front-wheel drive 1.6 GDi 1 model to £26,170 for the range-topping 2.0 CRDi 3 variant with all-wheel drive and an automatic transmission.
With all-wheel-drive comes hill descent control. We did not have the opportunity to take the Sportage offroad, but going down one of San Francisco's steepest grades (31.5 percent), we engaged hill descent. It let the Sportage slowly crawl down the hill while we touched neither brake nor gas, making odd groaning sounds all the way. After a while, we got bored with the 5 mph pace and pushed the hill descent button again, relying on our own braking foot.
2011 Kia Sportage Pricing Released
Kia realesed today pricing for its all-new 2011 Sportage compact crossover. The 2011 Sportage goes on sale in the U.S. at the end of the July with a starting price of $18,990. There are three trim levels, Base, LX and EX. Standard safety features include ABS, Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and six airbags.
Kia’s fully redesigned crossover comes with a 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine producing 176HP. A far more potent 2.0-liter turbocharged GDI petrol engine with 270+ horsepower will join the range next year.
The Sportage will be offered in both front-wheel- and all-wheel-drive configurations paired to either a 6-speed manual gearbox or a six-speed automatic transmission.
The Base model offers manual transmission, several standard features such as air conditioning, power windows, door locks and mirrors, 16-inch alloy wheels matched with 215/70R16 low-rolling resistance tires, SIRIUS Satellite Radio capabilities, MP3 connectivity and Bluetooth wireless technology.
Upgrading to the $20,990 LX trim adds a 6-speed automatic transmission, exterior mirrors with LED turn signal indicators, privacy glass, keyless entry with panic alarm and multi-way adjustable front seats. The top model, Sportage EX, costs $23,990 and includes 18-inch alloy wheels, leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, illuminated vanity mirrors, automatic folding rear seats, dual-zone automatic climate control, and air-conditioned and illuminated glove box.
2011 Kia Sportage
Look at the first official photos of the next generation 2011 Kia Sportage that will be unveiled at the upcoming 2010 Geneva Motor Show.
The new Sportage carries the new Kia family look as seen on the Soul, Cadenza sedan and Sorento SUV, but it appears to have a more European flavor to it.
The five-door crossover shares its platform with the also new Hyundai Tucson, known as the Hyundai ix35 in Europe. It is longer and wider than the outgoing Sportage, something that should translate to improved cabin space.
The 2011 Sportage will be offered with the same 2.0-liter and 2.4-liter four cylinder engines coupled to six-speed transmissions as the Tuscon in North America, while in Europe, it will most likely get the same 1.7-liter and 2.0 liter diesels, and 1.6-liter and 2.0-liter gasoline units as the iX35.
2011 Kia Sportage Compact SUV
The all-new Kia’s Sportage SUV has been given away through a lot of designs that were made for the E.U. patent office.
The reason why we’re saying this is the use of some specific styling features such as the chrome trim, the tail lamp arrangement, the alloy wheel designs and the styling of the lower part of the front bumper, all of which look suspiciously conceptual.
But even so, what you’re looking at here is what you’ll get more or less when the 2011 Sportage arrives at the Korean automakers dealers either towards the end of the year or early 2011.
Under the bodywork, the Sorento’s smaller sibling shares its hardware with the new Hyundai Tucson (called iX35 in Europe and other markets).
That said, don’t expect any surprises under the hood with the U.S. Sportage being offered with the same 2.0-liter and 2.4-liter four cylinder engines coupled to six-speed transmissions as the Tuscon.
The European market Kia Sportage will get three diesels including a 115HP 1.7-liter unit, and a 2.0-liter engine with 134HP and 184HP, and two gasoline units with a displacement of 1.6-liter and 2.0-liters producing 140HP and 166HP respectively.
2009 Kia Sportage
Kia has realized the first photos of its facelifted Sportage SUV with exterior and interior styling tweaks along with the addition of a new turbo diesel engine. As 2009 model year, the Kia Sportage gets a remodeling face with a modified bumper, new headlights and a different grille while at the back, the only significant change are the restyled tail-lamps.
Kia says that the 2009 Sportage’s cabin has been improved with the remodeling panel and the new seat trims. The only change under the hood concerns the new 2.0-liter turbo diesel engine that produces 150Hp. The new Kia Sportage is expected to arrive to European dealerships in the next weeks.
Kia Sportage
The new facelifted Kia Sportage caught in testing on public roads. As you see, the front grille and headlights are freshly revised, as are the rear lights. Through hearsay, the interior is ‘freshened’ somewhat, with some new gadgets including a USB port to link devices to the stereo. No word yet on any mechanical changes.
This facelift comes less than a year after Kia’s previous attempt, revealed at the 2007 Frankfurt Motor Show. The 2009 model with make its debut at the London Motor Show later this month.
Facelifted Kia Sportage
A few months Kia unveiled a facelifted version of its Sportage. Today you can see a replacement version for the korean SUV.
There’s a range of fresh colour schemes for the body and trim, plus a revised bumper. Inside, a wide array of new instruments includes a hi-tech USB port for linking media devices to the stereo. And three distinct trims – XE, XS and Titan – will be made available by the firm.
Entry-level models will use the same 2.0-litre petrol and diesel engines as before, but the flagship models will be powered by a 2.7-litre V6 petrol unit. A revised oil-burner with more power and lower emissions is also being readied. The range will cost from $28,000, with top versions at around $40,000.